Research Article
Socio-Economic Situation, Sanitation and Vaccination of Ethnic Children
- Dr. Monoarul Haque
Corresponding author: Dr. Monoarul Haque
Volume: 1
Issue: 3
Article Information
Article Type : Research Article
Citation : Monoarul Haque, Tasmiah Tamanna, Hossain Md Al-Amin, Uprue Shing Marma, Rokaiya Binth Alamgir, Jannat Sultana. Socio-Economic Situation, Sanitation and Vaccination of Ethnic Children. Journal of Medicine Care and Health Review 1(3).
Copyright: © 2024 Monoarul Haque. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
Publication History
Received Date
15 Oct ,2024
Accepted Date
22 Oct ,2024
Published Date
25 Oct ,2024
Undoubtedly economically and socially Bangladesh has been developing in its own fashion over the years. Income-generating capacity has increased along with the literacy rate. Infant and maternal mortality have declined remarkably. However, challenges still remain to keep children healthy, particularly in hilly and riverine forest-dense areas. To explore socioeconomic status, sanitation and immunization coverage of ethnic children residing in Bandarban hill district was the objective of the research. A cross-sectional research design was implemented. This was a years duration study. Bandarban is a hilly and forest-dense area. Samples were collected through door-to-door surveys. The average age of the participants was 4.21±0.80 years. Most of the parents completed primary education. Day labor and housewives were prominent in number. The average monthly family income of the study subjects was 13916.02±10689.76 BDT. Distribution of sanitary (water sealed) latrines, partial sanitary (not water sealed) latrines, non-sanitary (kancha) and open latrines was 66.30%, 14.60%, 8.30%, and 10.90% respectively. Immunization coverage was 81.30%.
Kew words: Socio-economic Situation, Sanitation, Vaccination, Ethnic Communities.
►Socio-Economic Situation, Sanitation and Vaccination of Ethnic Children
Monoarul Haque1*, Tasmiah Tamanna2, Hossain Md Al-Amin3, Uprue Shing Marma4, Rokaiya Binth Alamgir5, Jannat Sultana6
1Associate Professor, Department of Public Health, German University Bangladesh.
2Lecturer, Department of Statistics, German University Bangladesh.
3Surveillance Medical Officer, National Heart Foundation, Bangladesh.
4Bachelor of Public Health, German University Bangladesh.
5Master of Public Health, Fareast International University.
6Medical Officer, Department of Paediatrics, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University.
Ethnic people reside in different areas of Bangladesh; they are distinct because of their diverse lifestyle, salient features of dietary habits and cooking practices, traditional way of living material, preference for hilly, riverine, and forest-dense areas, cultural variation, professional diversity and Indigenous origin (Haque and Zannath, 2016). Gradually Bengali people are settling there. Numerous non-governmental organizations are working there to create awareness and provide healthcare services along with Government initiatives to uplift these inhabitants but much of the information is unknown due to sufficient and valid data. As socioeconomic status, sanitary conditions, and immunization are considered important determinants of the health profile of any community, so baseline survey-like study is desirable to fill the knowledge gap and break the wisdom of knowledge. Our day-to-day observation finds that tribal families are self-dependent in terms of clothing, food, dwelling material, etc. These unique criteria attempted us to conduct the study.
The present study was carried out at a single point in a specified time at Bandarban Sadar Upazila to collect samples. Face-to-face interview was conducted by using a pre-tested structure questionnaire. The detailed procedure of the study and the significance of the study was explained followed by rapport building with the respondents. A local language interpreter helped us to interpret. Every night we checked the data for consistency and completeness. Data were categorized and coded during entry into the SPSS software.
Table 1. Age distribution of the study subjects
Age in year |
Frequency |
Percentage |
Mean±SD |
4.16±0.82 |
3 |
213 |
27.5 |
4 |
228 |
29.5 |
5 |
333 |
43.0 |
Total |
774(100.0) |
The average age of the study subjects was 4.21±0.80 years. Among ethnic groups highest portion (44.4%) belonged to the 5-year age group followed by 31.8% from 4 years and the lowest portion (23.8%) from 4 years.
Figure 1. Gender of the study subjects Boy and girl distribution was 54.40% and 44.60%
Figure 2. Family size of the study subjects More than half of the study subjects (55.90%) had 3-4 household members (small family) followed by medium family 32.40% and large family 11.60%.
Figure 3. Number of children Nearly two-thirds of the respondents (71.40%) belonged to 1-2 children followed by 21.80% had 3-4 children and 6.70% had >4 children.
Table 2. Education of parents Most of the fathers and mothers (31.9% and 33.2%) children completed primary education followed by under SSC (19.3% and 19.8%), can sign only (17.8% and 17.7%), illiterate (9.8% and 9.8%), SSC (8.9% and 8.1%) and HSC (5.0% and 5.6%).
Education |
Father |
Mother |
Illiterate |
76(9.8) |
76(9.8) |
Can read only |
5(0.6) |
11(1.4) |
Can sign only |
138(17.8) |
137(17.7) |
Can read and write |
11(1.4) |
13(1.7) |
Primary |
247(31.9) |
257(33.2) |
Under SSC |
149(19.3) |
153(19.8) |
69(8.9) |
63(8.1) |
39(5.0) |
43(5.6) |
Bachelor |
20(2.6) |
12(1.6) |
Masters |
20(2.6) |
9(1.2) |
Total |
774(100.0) |
774(100.0) |
Table 3. Occupation of parents More than half (56.3%) of father was day laborers followed by service holders 17.2%, businessmen 16% and farmers 10.5%. About 91.3% of mothers were housewives 4.4% did service and 2.8% engaged themselves in agricultural activity.
Occupation |
Father |
Mother |
Day labor |
436(56.3) |
3(0.4) |
Agriculture |
81(10.5) |
22(2.8) |
Business |
124(16.0) |
8(1.0) |
Service |
133(17.2) |
34(4.4) |
Housewife |
0(0.0) |
707(91.3) |
Total |
774(100.0) |
774(100.0) |
Table 4. Monthly family income The average monthly family income of the study subjects was 13916.02±10689.76 BDT whereas median income was 13000 BDT. The minimum and maximum income was 2000 BDT and 70000 BDT. Lower middle-income, low income, and upper middle-income families were 52.3%, 30.4%, and 17.2%.
Family Income |
Study Subjects |
Mean±SD |
13916.02±10689.76 |
Median |
13000.00 |
Minimum |
2000.00 |
Maximum |
70000.00 |
Low-income (≤$75.41 or BDT ≤5360) |
235(30.4) |
Lower middle-income ($75.5 - $299.58 or BDT 5361-21270) |
405(52.3) |
Upper middle-income ($299.68 - $926.25 or BDT 21271-65761) |
133(17.2) |
High-income (≥$926.33 or BDT ≥ 65762). |
1(0.1) |
Total |
774(100.0) |
Table 5. Commodities in home TV was found among 56.2% of respondents followed by freeze 19.4%, motor-cycle 7.6%, and sewing machine 8.1%. Most of the respondents had electricity support in their homes. Mobile phones and fans were available there.
Commodities |
Yes |
No |
TV |
435(56.2) |
339(43.8) |
Freeze |
150(19.4) |
624(80.6) |
Fan |
567(73.3) |
207(26.7) |
Mobile |
698(90.2) |
76(9.8) |
Telephone |
2(0.3) |
772(99.7) |
Laptop/computer |
33(4.3) |
741(95.7) |
Electricity support |
614(79.3) |
160(20.7) |
Handloom machine |
17(2.2) |
757(97.8) |
Sewing machine |
63(8.1) |
711(91.9) |
Bi-cycle |
47(6.1) |
727(93.9) |
Motor-cycle |
59(7.6) |
715(92.4) |
Boat |
1(0.1) |
773(99.9) |
Table 6. Hygiene Status Almost all of the mother and children washed their hand and utensils before feeding/eating by means of water only (third-fourth) and soap plus water (one-fourth).
Hygiene |
Number |
Percentage |
Before feeding your child, do you wash your hands? |
Yes |
773 |
99.9 |
No |
1 |
0.1 |
If yes, how do you wash your hands? |
Water only |
569 |
73.5 |
Soap |
205 |
26.5 |
Before feeding your child, do you wash your utensils? |
Yes |
772 |
99.7 |
No |
2 |
0.3 |
If yes, how do you wash your utensils? |
Water only |
506 |
65.5 |
Soap |
266 |
34.4 |
Ash |
2 |
0.1 |
Does your child wash hands before taking food? |
Yes |
761 |
98.3 |
No |
13 |
1.7 |
If yes, how? |
Water only |
538 |
70.5 |
Soap |
233 |
29.1 |
Ash |
3 |
0.4 |
Figure 4. Sanitary condition Distribution of sanitary (water sealed) latrines, partial sanitary (not water sealed) latrines, non-sanitary (kancha), and open latrines were 66.30%, 14.60%, 8.30%, and 10.90% respectively.
Figure 5. Immunization coverage Immunization coverage was 81.30%.
It is established that South-East Asia is prone to developing unhealthy situations. Rao et al (2016) rightly stated that socioeconomic characteristics were statistically associated with a child's nutritional status. It is evidence-based that poor drinking water facilities, inadequate sanitary facilities, and poor hygiene particularly during food preparation are the main causes of many infections among young children (Matthew, et al, 2019). Documents confirm that birth spacing, skilled birth attendants, economic development, and greater per capita health expenditures are beneficial for the children of disadvantaged mothers, but the wealthy benefit is greater in the case of skilled birth attendants and from higher per capita expenditure on health (Tim et al. 2016). Zanver (2007) carried out a study and found that Grade I and Grade III malnutrition were more in early age (3-4 years) while Grade II malnutrition was prevalent more during later age (4-5 years). More percent of (47%) male subjects suffered from different grades of malnutrition than female subjects (43%). The influence of socioeconomic factors occupation, paternal literacy level, and monthly family income showed that children from farmer’s families having educated parents and from families with comparatively more family income suffered less from various grades of malnutrition. Bhattacharyya & Sarkar (2010) found that maximum and minimum under-nourished children were found among those fathers were agricultural laborers and service holders. In our culture, illiterate or less educated people are commonly engaged in day labor or agricultural activities. I had to face challenges during data collection like heavy rainfall, hill destruction, no transport/communication system except walking, and diverse and distant locations or distribution of ethnic houses.
Sanitation was not up to the mark. Immunization coverage was better among ethnic groups.
- Bhattacharyya, K, Sarkar, T.K. (2010). Nutritional Profile of Children Under 5 Years of Age in a Tribal Community in the District of Maldah, West Bengal. Journal of Primary Care & Community Health. 1(3):184-186.
- Haque, M.M, Zannath, M.M. (2016). Child Nutrition and Ethnicity - Need Large Scale Research and Drawing Attention of Donor Agency. EC Nutrition. 3(4): 670.
- Matthew, A.K, Amodu, A.D, Sani, I, Solomon, S.D. (2009). Infant feeding practices and nutritional status of children in North western Nigeria. Asian j of clin nutr. 1(1): 12-22.
- Rao, K.M, Laxmaiah, A, Venkaiah, K, Brahmam, G.N. (2016). Diet and nutritional status of adolescent tribal population in nine states of India. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 15(4): 64-71.
- Tim, B, Heaton, Crookston, B, Pierce, H, Amoateng, A.Y. (2016). Social inequality and children’s health in Africa: a cross-sectional study. International Journal for Equity in Health. 15: 92.
- Zanver, V. (2007). Somatic status of tribal pre-school children with special reference to Gomez classification. Journal of Dairying, Foods and Home Sciences. 26(3.6): 229-231.
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