We publish Case Reports, Research Papers, Review Articles, and Editorials in various fields, including medicine, healthcare, and social sciences.
Yes, Medvix is an open-access journal, meaning all published content is available free to readers worldwide without any subscription.
Medvix publishes 1 Issue every month. This ensures timely dissemination of the latest research and updates.
All submissions undergo a rigorous peer review, where experts in the relevant field evaluate the work for quality, accuracy, and significance. The author knows who is reviewing their work, and the reviewer knows whose work they are evaluating.
The review process is transparent and of high integrity, as both the author and the reviewer know each other's identities.
Yes, an Article Processing Charge (APC) is charged. It covers the cost of DOI registration, plagiarism checking, proofreading, indexing, editing, formatting, production, maintaining the journal's infrastructure, and open-access distribution.
The review process typically takes 2 to 3 weeks, and accepted manuscripts are published online within 2 weeks after final approval.
Yes, our editorial team is available to guide authors through the submission process and provide support in manuscript preparation.
Publishing with Medvix offers global visibility, fast publication timelines, a rigorous peer review process, and an opportunity to contribute to a diverse, international research community.
All articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution International (CC BY 4.0) license, allowing free distribution, reuse, and adaptation with proper attribution.