Articles Processing Fee


Article Processing Costs (APCs) or Article Processing Fees, also referred to as publication fees or article processing charges, are fees that some journals ask their authors to pay to cover various expenses related to publishing research. These charges cover manuscript processing and review at different stages before making the manuscript available to the global scientific community.

APC covers

The manuscript processing costs cover handling all submissions, conducting initial screening, and assigning the articles to editors. The costs will also cover DOI registration, plagiarism checking, proofreading, indexing, editing, formatting, production, and maintaining the journal's infrastructure.

Editorial and language editing: This includes the skillful editing and language polishing needed for clarity, brevity, and compliance with academic standards.

Production and formatting: produce the article in all possible versions (PDF, HTML, XML) and ensure its proper formatting and layout.

Online hosting and archiving maintain the journal's online presence and digitally preserve published articles for eternity, making them available to readers worldwide.


Country Classification Clinical Medical Images Letter & Editorial & Opinion Short Communication & Mini Review Case Report & Case Studies Review Article Research Article
High Income 349 $ 349 $ 349 $ 749 $ 949 $ 949 $
Middle Income 249 $ 249 $ 249 $ 449 $ 749 $ 749 $
Low Income 149 $ 149 $ 149 $ 249 $ 449 $ 449 $